Troop 174
Calendar 2003
(Webelos Klondike, Mar.
Jan, Feb,
January 2003 Theme: Electricity.
6 (Mon.) .
Troop, and Green Bar Meetings 7:30 p.m. All parents are asked to attend.
Wear an official uniform.
Green Bars meet at 6:30 p.m. to stuff invitation envelopes for the Webelos
Klondike derby. Troop will be supplying pizza.
Plan for each Klondike station. The advisors will meet with the scouts
for their stations.
Deadline to sign up here
for Garrison Fish and Game Club Overnighter on Jan. 11-12.
7 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
8 (Wed.) Order of the Arrow Banquet
10 (Fri.) I Tried Scuba for
Scouts at least 14 years old and for leaders, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m., Durland
Scout Center in Rye. $7 per person.
10-12(F-Su)Council Ski Weekend, Program A: 1.5 days skiing
at Gore Mt.. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at
5:00 p.m. Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Sunday night. Fee includes
transportation, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but not equipment.
Youth: $145(approx.), Adult: $160 (approx.). More information here:
1 and Page 2.
Fish and Game Club Overnighter
Sign up here Garrison
Fish and Game Club Overnighter by Jan. 6.
$10 per person due Jan 6.
Alumni arrive Friday night, 7:00 p.m., Jan 10.
Scouts attend Sat. 10:00 a.m.- Sun. approx. 9:00 a.m.
Meet at the Garrison Fish and Game Club, 183
S. Highland Rd., Garrison, NY. Directions: Oscawana Lake Road
to Canopus Hollow Rd. (behind fire house) to Canopus Hollow Rd. to left
on South Highland Ave. going up the hill until it turns into a dirt road
at the Club. Alternate directions: north on Taconic, left on Rt.
301 towards Cold Spring, go 3 mi., left on Dennytown Rd, go 2.3 mi., right
on S. Highland and look for the lake.
Scouts and both parents welcome, but no siblings.
No electronic devices (radios, Gameboys, etc.), except Walkman or radio
with headphones.
Do bring a hot cup with your name, non-electronic games (cards, board games,
checkers, chess, etc.), and winter boots, gloves, and hat. Optionally bring
sports equipment (football, etc.), ice skates, hockey gear, and ice-fishing
gear. For sleeping bring a sleeping bag, extra socks, flashlight,
change of clothes, and a pad or air mattress, as we shall sleep on the
floor in a heated building, and consider ear plugs etc.
Cub Scouts must bring a medical form and have an adult with them.
With good ice there will be a hockey game.
Optional hike.
Phone number for emergency use only(!!) is 845-424-3858.
Approximate menu:
Saturday lunch: Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, "veggie burgers", hot dogs,
beans, pickles.
Saturday supper around 6:00 p.m.: Italian night, and assorted cakes or
pies for dessert.
Sunday breakfast: Pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and omelets to order,
assorted cold cereal, bagels, and orange juice.
Depart Sunday only after both breakfast and clean-up are done.
Photos of Garrison Overnighter: Jan.
2003, Jan.
11 (Sat.) Swimming Merit Badge begins
at Durland
Scout Center in Rye. Part 1. 9:00 a.m. - noon. Parts
2-5 are Jan 18, 25, Feb. 1, and 8. $25 per scout.
13 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
14 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol Meeting 4:30-6:00
p.m. at the Cabin.
17-20(F-M)Council Ski Weekend, Program B: 1.5 days skiing
at Gore Mt. plus 1 day skiing at Whiteface if combination tickets for both
are available. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at
5:00 p.m. Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Monday night. Fee includes
transportation, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but not equipment.
Youth: $200(approx.), Adult: $220(approx.). More information here:
1 and Page 2.
20 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
No parent meeting.
(Martin Luther King, Jr., schools closed)
21 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
23 (Thurs.) Deadline to pay Michael G. for Troop
Ski Day on Jan. 26.
24-26(F-Su)Council Ski Weekend, Program A: 1.5 days skiing at Gore
Mt.. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at 5:00 p.m.
Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Sunday night. Fee includes transportation,
lodging, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but not equipment.
Youth: $145(approx.), Adult: $160(approx.). More information here:
1 and Page 2.
25 (Sat.) .
Boy Scout Klondike 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at F.D.R Park,
Yorktown Heights.
Scorpions plan to participate.
Event information:
Station Instructions,
Lunch and Scoring,
Sled Races,
Tentative Check Points,
Sled design 1,
Sled design 2,
Sled design.
Photos of Boy Scout Klondike on Jan.
26 (Sun.) .
Ski Day at Butternut.
Call Michael G. for information and to sign up. $22 per lift ticket.
Discounted rentals. Scouts, siblings, and parents welcome.
Michael G. needs payment by Jan. 23.
27 (Mon.) .
Troop, and Green Bar Meetings 7:30 p.m. All parents are asked to attend.
Wear an official uniform. Green Bars meet at 6:45 p.m.
Note, this is not the usual night for Parent Meetings.
Deadline to Sign up here
Scout Sunday Pancake Breakfast, adults who wish to help.
Deadline for adults to RSVP to Chris for the Youth Protection Seminar on
Feb. 4.
28 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
31-2/2(F-Su)Council Ski Weekend, Program A: 1.5 days skiing at Gore
Mt.. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at 5:00 p.m.
Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Sunday night. Fee includes transportation,
lodging, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but not equipment.
Youth: $145(approx.), Adult: $160(approx.). More information here:
1 and Page 2.
February 2003 Theme: Snow
1 (Sat.) In remembrance of the Columbia Space Shuttle:Astronauts
With Scouting Experience. Poster.
Former Scouts on the Columbia
crew: William McCool, Eagle. David Brown, Life. Rick Husband,
Second Class. Michael Anderson, Webelos. Laurel Clark, Girl
2 (Sun.) .
Sunday, Pancake Breakfast. Grace
Lutheran Church.
The Hawk and Scorpion patrols will be on set up duty along
Green Bars and adults helping. Please be at Grace by
10:00 a.m. in full official uniforms.
Sign up here
Scout Sunday Pancake Breakfast, adults who wish to help, by Jan. 27.
The Cobra and Venture patrols are on cleanup duty after the
Pancake Brunch is over.
All other scouts please report to Grace no later than 10:30 a.m.,
in full official uniforms.
All other adults not planning on helping to set up, please be on
hand by 10:45 a.m.
Breakfast will be after the 11:00 a.m. service.
All scouts are expected to attend. Scouts will be readers and ushers,
and they will set up, serve, and clean up the breakfast. Adults will cook
pancakes and sausage. We need some Troop Committee members to help.
Wear full official uniform, including merit badge sash, excluding hat.
Scouts who have earned a religious
emblem should wear their medallion. "The universal religious
square knot is worn over the left shirt pocket of the Scout uniform.
The medallion is pinned over the square knot for full uniform occasions."
As a sign of respect, please do not wear your troop hat while inside the
church buildings.
Park behind the church in the upper parking lot.
Photos of Scout Sunday Pancake Breakfast: Feb.
2003, Feb.
3 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
3 (Mon.) Lifeguard Training begins at Durland
Scout Center in Rye for scouts at least 15 years old. 6:00 p.m.
- 9:30 p.m. This is Part 1. Parts 2-10 are on successive Monday
evenings. $285 per scout.
4 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin
4 (Tues.) Youth Protection Seminar
information) 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Van Cortlandtville Elementary
School cafeteria, on rte. 6 across from the Cortlandt Town center.
All Assistant Scoutmasters are required to attend.
Troop committee members please attend.
It is important that we are all trained for the safety of our boys!
Training is good for three years.
Please RSVP to the Scoutmaster no later than the Jan. 29. You can also
e-mail your response or leave voice mail.
7-9 (F-Su) .
Ski Trip. Ski at Killington,
VT. Dorm-style lodging at Turn
of the River Lodge, 5672 U.S. Route 4, Killington, VT.
Sign up here Troop
Ski Trip to Killington, by Dec. 2.
Pay the $75 per person deposit by Dec. 2. No exceptions! No deposit,
No spot! First come, first served. Only 50 spots available.
Price includes lodging, buffet continental breakfast, and lift tickets
for 2 nights and days:
Adults (19+)
$156 per person
$210 with rentals
Young Adult (13-18) $147 per person
$201 with rentals
Juniors (6-12)
$123 per person
$154 with rentals
Non Skiers
$65 per person
We are looking into a discounted Saturday evening meal plan at a local
Italian restaurant.
7-9 (F-Su) Council Ski Weekend, Program A: 1.5 days skiing
at Gore Mt.. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at
5:00 p.m. Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Sunday night. Fee includes
transportation, lodging, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but
not equipment. Youth: $145(approx.), Adult: $160(approx.).
More information here: Page
1 and Page 2.
8 (Sat.) Troop 911 Merit Badge
Day. 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Temple Beth Am, 203
Church Place, Yorktown Heights.
The program will consist of two session (morning & afternoon) with
15 merit badges being offered.
The cost is $15 for the day, and lunch (pizza/beverage) will be provided.
Scouts interested in attending can select the merit badge classes they
would like to attend from the list below and forward the request by email
to by Monday, February 3. Directions and prerequisites
will be forwarded upon receipt.
Merit Badge Select 1st, 2nd & 3rd Choice
Citizenship in Community
Citizenship in Nation
Disability Awareness
Emergency Preparedness
Family Life
First Aid
Personal Fitness
Personal Management
Wilderness Survival
8 (Sat.) (Scout Anniversary
Day 93rd year)
8 (Sat.) (Scout Sabbath)
10 (Mon.) No Troop Meeting, Postponed. 7:30 p.m. Wear a Class
B uniform.
Postponed - Dry run of Webelos Klondike stations.
Postponed - Bring station items.
Postponed - Adult advisors should come.
11 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
14 (Fri.) I Tried Scuba
for Scouts at least 14 years old and for leaders, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.,
Scout Center in Rye. $7 per person.
17 (Mon.) Canceled - Troop Meeting
Deadline to Sign
up here Webelos Klondike, adults who will be helping.
18 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting4:30-6:00
p.m. at the Cabin. (Winter recess, schools closed)
19 (Wed.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform. (Winter recess,
schools closed)
6:30 p.m. Greenbar pre-meeting.
All Scouts and adults assigned positions at this upcoming weekend's Klondike
must be on hand.
Webelos Klondike dry run
Final preparations for Webelos Klondike
All Klondike adult advisors must come.
20 (Thurs.) Green Bars meet at Best Plumbing, 7:00 p.m. around the
back to telephone the Webelos Klondike Packs.
21-23(F-Su)Council Ski Weekend, Program A: 1.5 days skiing at Gore
Mt.. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at 5:00 p.m.
Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Sunday night. Fee includes transportation,
lodging, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but not equipment. Youth:
$145(approx.), Adult: $160(approx.). More information here:
1 and Page 2.
22 (Sat.) Boy Scout Leader Basic Training,
Scout Troop Operations Course Part
1. Get the sign-up form and attend at the Westchester-Putnam
Council Office, 41
Saw Mill River Rd. (9A), Hawthorne, NY, 773-1135. To be followed
by parts 2 and 3 below. 8:45 a.m.? - 4:00 p.m.? This
course, and Part 2, are more comprehensive training for Committee persons.
Also, Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.
24 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Deadline to Sign up
here Eagle Scout Court of Honor, Mark L., headcount for refreshments
after the ceremony.
25 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
26 (Wed.) .
Service Project. 3:00 p.m. or soon after. All
Scouts please help, at the church of the North American Martyrs on Oscawana
Lake Road in Putnam Valley.
28 (Fri.) Scuba Certification
begins at Durland
Scout Center in Rye for scouts at least 15 years old, Part 1.
Parts 2-12 of the course are weekly until June 6. A weekend of open-water
dives will be scheduled in June. $200 for BSA members.
28-3/2(F-Su)Council Ski Weekend, Program A: 1.5 days skiing at Gore
Mt.. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at 5:00 p.m.
Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Sunday night. Fee includes transportation,
lodging, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but not equipment.
Youth: $145(approx.), Adult: $160(approx.). More information here:
1 and Page 2.
March 2003 Theme: Cycling.may
be done by individual scouts. Jason will find a counselor.
Nov. - Mar .
patrol pursues National
Honor Patrol Award.
1 (Sat.) Lifesaving Merit Badge
begins at Durland
Scout Center in Rye. Part 1. 9:00 a.m. - noon.
Parts 2-5 are Mar. 8, 15, 29, and Apr. 5. $25 per scout.
1 (Sat.) .
L.'s Eagle Scout Court of Honor. Arrive by 1:30 p.m.
for 2:00-3:30 p.m. ceremony at Grace Lutheran Church.
Scouts are requested to attend in full official uniforms.
Sign up here
Eagle Scout Court of Honor, Mark L.,. headcount for refreshments after
the ceremony.
Photos of Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Mark L. on Mar.
3 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an official uniform.
Final preparations for the Webelos Klondike. Adult advisors must
4 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
4 (Tues.) .
Service Project 3:30-5:00 p.m. All Scouts please help,
at the church of the North American Martyrs on Oscawana Lake Road in Putnam
6 (Wed.) .
Service Project 4:00-5:00 p.m. All Scouts please help,
at the church of the North American Martyrs on Oscawana Lake Road in Putnam
7 (Thurs.).
Service Project 3:30-5:00 p.m. All Scouts please help,
at the church of the North American Martyrs on Oscawana Lake Road in Putnam
8 (Sat.) .
Klondike organized and run by Troop 174, at FDR
State Park.
General information
and event schedule.
Form and Sled
Roster Form for check-in.
Klondike Gold Mines Map,
which will be explained and used at the Map Skills station.
Sled design. Sled
design 1.
Sled design
Sign up here
Webelos Klondike, adults who will be helping, by Feb. 17.
Klondike information on the Westchester-Putnam Council Website.
Troop 174 schedule
7:30 a.m. Troop 174 set up
9:00 a.m. Klondike
2:00 p.m. Troop 174 clean up
3:00 p.m. Troop 174 done
Staff: (Scouts who have an asterisk * by their name have to
leave during the Klondike to play a game.)
Registration -- Jason L., Barbara C.
Horn Blower -- Michael M.
Sled inspectors -- Dan M., Kyle G., Stephen G., Paul M., Tim B.
Hot chocolate and Troop 174's lunch -- Adults
Animal tracks -- Pat C.* (leader), Roderick K.*, Joe P., Justin P., Advisor:
Stephen C.
Fire starting -- Kevin K. (leader), Vinny E., Frank P., Advisor: Peter
First aid -- Karl R.* (leader), Michael S., Advisors: Johnson, Wilma W.,
Barbara C.
Group snowshoeing -- Mike P.* (leader), Dane D., Stephen G., Advisor: Dan
Ice rescue -- Venturing Crew 2279 Tarrytown
Kim's Game -- Alec C. (leader), Kyle G., Advisor: Mike S.
Knot challenge -- Dan M. (leader), Tim B., Mack C., William W., Advisor:
Robert C.
Map skills -- Paul M. (leader), Charlie J., Jarryed S.*, Advisor: Tim B.
Panning for Gold -- Thomas L. (leader), James H., Andrew P.*, Advisor:
Rick K.
Sled obstacle course -- Rick D. (leader), Brian C., Advisors: Vincent D.
and Peter H.
Sled races -- all scouts
You may use Rt. 202 entrance.
Wear an activity uniform sweatshirt and troop hat.
Bring a hot cup, rain gear, dryer lint, and family radios if you have them.
No sneakers or electronic devices that play music.
Scouts may earn service hours.
Photos of Webelos Klondike: Mar.
2003, Feb.
7-9 (F-Su) Council Ski Weekend, Program A: 1.5 days skiing
at Gore Mt.. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at
5:00 p.m. Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Sunday night. Fee includes
transportation, lodging, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but
not equipment. Youth: $145(approx.), Adult: $160(approx.).
More information here: Page
1 and Page 2.
10 (Mon.) .
Service Project 3:30-5:00 p.m. All Scouts please help,
at Saint Columbanus Church, 124 Oregon Road, Peekskill.
10 (Mon.) .
Troop, and Green Bar Meetings 7:30 p.m. All parents are asked to attend.
Wear an activity uniform. Green Bars meet at 6:45 p.m.
Sign up here.
Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review. Have your Scoutmaster
Conference as early as possible, before this troop meeting if possible.
For the Scoutmaster Conference bring your completed form and Scout Handbook,
and wear a full official uniform, which includes the merit badge sash.
11 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
12 (Wed.) .
Service Project 5:00-7:00 p.m. All Scouts please help,
at Saint Columbanus Church, 124 Oregon Road, Peekskill.
13 (Thurs.).
Service Project 6:00-8:00 p.m. All Scouts please help,
at Saint Columbanus Church, 124 Oregon Road, Peekskill.
14 (Fri.) .
Service Project 5:00-7:00 p.m. All Scouts please help,
at Saint Columbanus Church, 124 Oregon Road, Peekskill.
14-16(F-Su)Council Ski Venturing Weekend, Program A: 1.5 days skiing
at Gore Mt.. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at
5:00 p.m. Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Sunday night. Fee includes
transportation, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but not equipment.
Youth: $145(approx.), Adult: $160(approx.). More information here:
1 and Page 2.
17 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Deadline before the meeting to Sign
up here Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review. Have your
Scoutmaster Conference before this troop meeting if possible. For
the Board of Review bring your completed form and Scout Handbook, and wear
full official uniform, which includes the merit badge sash.
18 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
21-23(F-Su)Council Ski Weekend, Program A: 1.5 days skiing
at Gore Mt.. Leave Applebee's Restaurant (Rt. 9A) parking lot at
5:00 p.m. Friday and return by 8:00 p.m. Sunday night. Fee includes
transportation, lodging, meals, ski orientation, and lift tickets, but
not equipment. Youth: $145(approx.), Adult: $160(approx.).
More information here:
1 and Page 2.
22 (Sat.) Scorpion Patrol Clear
Lake Hike, Meet at Sperling Center at Durland Scout Reservation
at Clear Lake Pavilion, North
Shore Rd., Putnam Valley.
Sign up here
Scorpion Patrol Hike at Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake.
24 (Mon.) .
Meeting and Court of Honor 7:30 p.m. Wear a full official uniform,
which includes the Merit Badge sash.
25 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
29 (Sat.) Den Chief Training
(Sign Up Form
Here) 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the Westchester-Putnam Council Service
Center, 41
Saw Mill River Rd. (9A), Hawthorne, NY., a one day training program
for Boy Scouts who are First Class or above, have Scoutmaster's approval,
and who want to serve as a den
chief. "A den chief is a Boy Scout who assists a Cub Scout den
leader or Webelos Scout den leader at den meetings, pack meetings, and
other events. He's a ready source of games, songs, skits, and skills, and
he encourages the boys in their advancement." This training works
best when the Boy Scout is accompanied by the Den Leader (Cub/Webelos)
and the Cubmaster of the Pack in which he is going to be den chief.
31 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Fast Start for Leader volunteers and all parents - Margaret, our
Troop Training liaison will be showing the "Fast Start" leader training
video tape in a separate classroom while the Troop meeting is going on.
This is for all registered troop committee members and Uniformed leaders
who wish to further their training within the B.S.A. It is highly
recommended that you attend if you can.
April 2003 Theme: Tracking.
and Stalking Basics, Tracking
Guide, Flash
Cards, Stalking
1 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
1 (Tues.) Deadline to RSVP to Bill Kelly
at 967-2770 for How To Meet The Requirements of the Religious Emblem of
Your Choice on Apr. 6.
2 (Wed.) .
Swim Night 7:00-8:45 p.m. at the Mildred E. Strang
Middle School Pool on Rt. 202 next to the Yorktown High School, 2701 Crompond
Rd., Yorktown Heights. See "MES Middle School" on this
The pool is in the lower south-west corner of the building. To enter,
go around outside to the right following the signs past the red fire hydrant.
All Scouts needing to complete their swimming requirements should sign
up and attend. Scouts may complete all Second Class (7a, 7b, 7c)
and all First Class (9a, 9b, 9c, 9d) swimming rank requirements.
Requirement 9b is the BSA
swimmer test.
Although 9c (survival skills) is no longer a First Class requirement, we
are keeping it in Swim Night, because survival is an important skill.
Bring --
long pants (100% cotton holds air best, blue jeans OK),
long-sleeved shirt (cotton and no buttons down the front),
old laced sneakers or laced shoes.
Sign up here Troop
Swim Night. Sign up to swim, both scouts and adults, by Mar. 24.
Only Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and BSA-registered adults may swim.
Fee: $2 per swimmer at the door. Exact amount is appreciated.
Practice water lifesaving techniques.
We shall also have open swim and water games.
Bring a swimsuit, a towel, water shoes or sandals, and your Boy Scout Handbook
for sign-off.
You may want a plastic bag to bring home wet clothes.
Mens' and womens' locker rooms and bathrooms are available.
No food or drinks are allowed in the pool area.
Webelos from Pack 134 will join us.
For further information contact SPL Jason L.
Photos of swim nights: Apr.
2002, Oct.
4-6 (F-Su) Order of the Arrow Fellowship Weekend at
Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake, North
Shore Rd., Putnam Valley.
5 (Sat.) Boy Scout Leader
Basic Training, Scout Troop Operations Course Part
1. 8:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. Get the sign-up form and attend
at the Westchester-Putnam Council Office, 41
Saw Mill River Rd. (9A), Hawthorne, NY, 773-1135. To be followed
by parts 2 and 3 below. This course and Part 2 are more comprehensive
training for Committee persons. Also, Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.
6 (Sun.) Congratulations
to new Brotherhood members of the OA, Brian C. and Thomas L.
6 (Sun.) How To Meet The Requirements
of the Religious Emblem of Your Choice. 1:00-3:00 p.m. Durland
Scout Center, 310 Stuyvesant Avenue on Milton Point in Rye.
RSVP to Bill Kelly at 967-2770 before Apr. 1.
The Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish Committees on Scouting are providing
an orientation session for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Scout leaders,
and parents on How To Meet The Requirements of the Religious Emblem of
Your Choice. The session will include beginning the task and sources
for information and help in completing the task.
Come when you can between 1:00-3:00 p.m. A resource person will be
present to answer questions. Orientation on all religious faiths
will be available.
Leaders - Come, bring your scouts and invite parents.
For more information see our troop's religious emblem advisor, Bonna S..
Online information: Religious
emblems programs.
7 (Mon.) .
Trip to Donald M. Kendall Sculpture Gardens.
7 (Mon.) .
Parent and Troop Meetings.
8 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol
Meeting 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
9 (Wed.) Boy Scout Leader Basic Training,
Scout Troop Operations Course Part
2 7:15 p.m. - 9:45 Westchester-Putnam Council Office, 41
Saw Mill River Rd. (9A), Hawthorne, NY. Scoutmasters, Assistant
Scoutmasters, Committee Chairpersons, Committee Members, and other adults.
12 (Sat.) Battle of Yorktown.
Pick up roadside litter in Yorktown Heights, Shrub Oak, Kitchawan, Crompond,
Mohegan Lake, and Jefferson Valley. Scouts can earn service hours.
Litter bags and safety vests supplied, bring work gloves. Call the
Environmental Conservation Office at 245-4438 to register and for more
14 (Mon.) .
Troop, and Greenbars Meetings 7:30 p.m. (Spring recess, schools
closed) All parents are asked to attend. Wear an official uniform.
OA members also wear your OA sash. Green Bars meet at 6:45 p.m.
Sign up here for Summer
Order of the
Arrow election will be held. All scouts are requested to be present
to vote. On the ballot is Pat C., Paul M., Andrew P., and Jarryed
14 (Mon.) Congratulations Pat C.
and Paul M., elected to the Order of the Arrow.
15 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin. (Spring recess, schools closed)
18 (Fri.) Deadline to Sign
up here Hook-O-Ree Weekend.
21 (Mon.) .
to Donald M. Kendall Sculpture Gardens 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
leaving from Grace Lutheran Church to PepsiCo World Headquarters,
Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY. to analyze the totem poles there
and get ideas on how to finish our poles to get them in the ground by May
1. Pizza will be provided upon return to Grace Lutheran Church.
We need drivers for this field trip. Please contact the Scoutmaster
either via e-mail or phone if you are able to help us out and drive.
21 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Next to last chance for the Scoutmaster to look over your Summer Camp Merit
Badge Schedule Cards and advise changes.
22 (Tues.) .
to Sign up herefor
Summer Camp.
22 (Tues.) Pickett's Charge (documentary),
7:00-8:00 a.m., Channel 47, the History Channel.
To prepare for our Gettysburg trip families may want to watch the "Pickett's
Charge" documentary on The History Channel, "The Civil War" miniseries,
and/or the "Gettysburg" movie.
Confederate general George Pickett's role in the battle of Gettysburg (July
1863), including his ill-fated charge on the Union line at Cemetery Ridge,
where we shall be camping. The entire battle resulted in some 51,000 casualties.
(VCR Plus+ 4827938)
22 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
Scout District Spring Event: Fishing
Hook-O-Ree at Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake, 1
Clear Lake Rd., Putnam Valley.
Sign up here
Hook-O-Ree Weekend. Sign up by Apr. 18.
Leave 6:15 p.m. Friday from the Grace Lutheran Church parking lot.
This is a Leave-No-Trace,
low-impact, Patrol-cooking weekend.
The troop will buy food for the adults signed up.
(see page 3).
and tasks. Stations include, for the Fishing Merit Badge:
First Aid
Baits and Lures
What to bring
Backpack or duffle bag for equipment below
Hot cup labeled with your name
Mess kit
Personal kit - toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, etc.
Water bottle (filled)
Scouts who will be working on their cooking requirements should read the
Boy Scout Handbook's Cooking chapter (pages 247-283).
Scouts who have completed Totin'
Chip may bring their pocket knife
People may bring fishing gear.
activity uniform shirt
Change of clothes
Hat and gloves
Flashlight with extra batteries
Warm jacket or other warm clothes to layer
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad (optional)
Pillow (optional)
Sun screen
Folding chair
Non-electric games (optional) - football, chess, etc.
No electronic devices (radios, Gameboys, etc.), except Walkman or radio
with headphones
Optional – watch, camera
The Boy Scout Handbook's Camping chapter (pages 216-245) contains a good
discussion of what gear to bring and why, as well as providing adequate
gear lists.
27 (Sun.) Party honoring Boy Scouts
and Girl Scouts 11:00 a.m. at the First Baptist Church at the corner
of S.
Highland and Church St. in Ossining, host Pastor, Rev. Dr. Gordon Anderson,
BSA Hudson Valley Brass Band, mayor and town supervisor, refreshments,
no fee.
27 (Sun.) Pitch in for Parks
9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m., rain or shine. A Westchester county-wide volunteer
project in all county parks, pathways, and nature centers. Great
way to earn service hours. Flower bed preparation, graffiti removal,
trail clearing, sweeping, cleaning, pruning staining, painting, etc.
Participants will receive valuable discount coupons redeemable at county
parks, free raffles for prizes. Dress appropriately for work, gloves
recommended. For more information or to sign up for a project call
28 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Last chance for the Scoutmaster to look over your Summer Camp Merit Badge
Schedule Cards and advise changes.
Bring Leave No Trace paperwork.
For Assistant Scoutmasters and all parents - Margaret, our Troop
Training liaison, will present Youth Protection Training in a separate
room while the troop meeting is going on. All Assistant Scoutmasters
are required to be certified in Youth Protection. Certification is
good for 3 years. All Troop Committee Members and parents are also
invited. It is important that we are all trained for the safety of
our boys!
29 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
May 2003 Theme: Orienteering.
3-4 (Sa-Su) Boy Scout Leader Basic Training, Scout Troop
Operations Course Part
3 8:45 a.m. Sat. - 11:00 a.m. Sun. at Durland Scout Reservation at
Clear Lake,
Clear Lake Rd., Putnam Valley. Overnighter. Scoutmasters, Assistant
Scoutmasters, Committee Chairpersons, Committee Members, and other adults.
4 (Sun.) .
Information) 1:45 p.m. at Cortlandt Lanes, 2192
Crompond Rd, Cortlandt Manor.
The Bowl-O-Ree supports Scouting programs for Youths with Special Needs
in the Westchester-Putnam Council.
Wear an official uniform and bring completed pledge
form and pledged money as checks payable to "Westchester-Putnam Council."
Each scout or adult who donates $30 or more will bowl two games for free
and receive a Bowl-O-Ree patch.
Robert C. is organizing our troop participation.
Photos of Bowl-O-Ree, May
2003, Nov.
5 (Mon.) .
Troop, and Green Bar Meetings 7:30 p.m. All parents are asked to attend.
Wear an official uniform. Green Bars meet at 6:45 p.m.
Deadline to pay Summer Camp fees
Deadline to turn in your completed Merit Badge Schedule Cards.
Bring your Leave-No-Trace materials.
6 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion
Patrol Meeting 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
7 (Wed.) .
Victory at All Costs (documentary), 8:00-10:00 a.m., repeat 2:00-4:00
p.m., Channel 47, the History Channel.
To prepare for our Gettysburg trip families may want to watch this documentary
on The History Channel.
Episodes culled from the `Civil War Journal' series. Included: an analysis
of Lincoln's address at the Pennsylvania battle site in November 1863;
and a look at the effects of the battle on civilians.
7 (Wed.) .
Wheatfield at Gettysburg (documentary), 12:00-1:00 p.m., repeat 6:00-7:00
p.m., Channel 47, the History Channel.
To prepare for our Gettysburg trip families may want to watch this documentary
on The History Channel.
The Wheatfield, which---on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg (July
2, 1863)---was the site of a bitter and bloody showdown between the Union
and Confederate soldiers.
9 (Fri.) .
to sign up for June 6-8 Gettysburg trip.
10 (Sat.) Canoeing
practice for scouts going on summer Canoe Trek.
Meet 8:00 a.m. at George Washington Elem. School, 3634
Lexington Avenue, Mohegan Lake.
Return by approx. 2:30 p.m. to GW.
Eat a light breakfast and bring a bag lunch.
Practice will be at Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake, 1
Clear Lake Rd., Putnam Valley.
Photos of Trek Practice 1, on May
11 (Sun.) Hudson Valley Orienteering
(More information).
Navigate through the woods. Levels: Beginners to Advanced. Instruction
at 10:30 a.m. Starts at 11:00 a.m. at Baileytown in Harriman State
Park (map
and driving
directions) just south of Bear Mountain State Park, NY. This
non-Boy Scout event can meet First Class requirement #2 for completing
an orienteering course. Contact Robert B. for details on map instruction
and hike sign-off.
12 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform. Practice tying
13 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
15-18(Th-Su)OA Lodge Spring Service Weekend and Brotherhood Quest
at Curtis S. Read Scout Reservation, Brant Lake, NY.
18 (Sun.) Hudson Valley Orienteering
(More information).
Navigate through the woods. Levels: Beginners to more advanced Beginners.
Instruction at 10:30 a.m. Starts at 11:00 a.m. at Moneyhole TOEC
Assembly Area in Fahnestock State Park (map
directions) in Putnam Co., NY. This non-Boy Scout event can meet
First Class requirement #2 for completing an orienteering course. Contact
Robert B. for details on map instruction and hike sign-off.
19 (Mon.) .
Meeting and Troop Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Sign up here.
Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review. Have your Scoutmaster
Conference as early as possible, before this troop meeting if possible.
For the Scoutmaster Conference bring your completed Board of Review Application
form and Scout Handbook, and wear a full official uniform, which includes
the merit badge sash.
Parent Meeting for those going to Gettysburg.
20 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin.
26 (Mon.) .
Day Parade
Meet at the Highway Dept. between Commerce
Street and Front Street at 10:30 a.m. Parade and ceremony afterwards:
11:00-12:00. Attendance is expected. Rain or shine.
Wear a full official uniform, which includes the merit badge sash.
Hot dogs and sodas for those who marched will be at the VFW and the American
Legion across the street after the ceremony.
Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for
those who have died in our nation's service. Let us not forget those
who made the supreme sacrifice for all of us.
Photos of Memorial Day parade May
2003, May
May 2001.
26 (Mon.) .
Troop Meeting (Schools closed)
27 (Tues.) Cobra and Hawk Patrol Meeting
4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin. Last meeting of the school year.
31 (Sat.) Birds of Prey Day annual
event 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Green Chimneys School at their Brewster
Campus at 400
Doansburg Road, just off Route 22.
Free for Scouts in uniform. Adults - $10, seniors and children 5-12
- $5, children under 5 free.
The understudy to Hedwig (of Harry Potter fame) will be there as will many
other birds of prey.
There will be live birds of prey demonstrations, as well as other animals
and celebrities under the Big Top.
A rehabilitated hawk will be released to his freedom.
BBQ and refreshments available.
June 2003
Spring 2003.
Recruiting Effort Get
Hooked on Scouting. Win a day of fishing at the Durland Scout
Reservation at Clear Lake.
2 (Mon.) .
Troop, and Green Bar Meetings 7:30 p.m.
All parents are asked to attend. Wear an official uniform.
Green Bars meet at 6:45 p.m.
Deadline before the meeting to Sign
up here Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review. Have your
Scoutmaster Conference before this troop meeting if possible. For
the Board of Review bring your completed Board of Review Application form
and Scout Handbook, and wear a full official uniform, which includes the
merit badge sash.
Deadline to Sign up here
End of Year Picnic, Court of Honor, and Jason P. head count.
Scoutmaster Conferences
Boards of Review
Merit Badge Confirmations for summer camp
Gettysburg trip final preparations
Gettysburg Heritage Trail requirements
Schedule for the weekend
No climbing on cannons or monuments
Quiet hours in campground (10pm to 6am)
Buddy system
Stay with your group
No weapons, so no pocket knife
Good behavior – representing troop and BSA
No day packs or large bags are allowed in Gettysburg National Military
Park buildings
Wear an official uniforms during day, activity uniform in camp, activity
uniform while traveling
What to bring
Review “Blisters on the Foot” and “First Aid for Blisters” in Scout Handbook,
page 308
3 (Tues.) Venture and Scorpion Patrol
Meeting 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Cabin. Last meeting of the
school year.
3 (Tues.) Congratulations to Margaret
L. who received the Manitoga District Award of Merit.
6-8 (F-Su) .
Camping Weekend at the McMillan
Woods Youth Campground in the Gettysburg
National Military Park, PA.
8 (Sun.) Hudson Valley Orienteering
(Click here).
Navigate through the woods. Levels: Beginners to Advanced. Instruction
at 10:30 a.m. Starts at 11:00 a.m. at Durland Scout Reservation at
Clear Lake,
Clear Lake Rd., Putnam Valley. This non-Boy Scout event
can meet First Class requirement #2 for completing an orienteering course.
Contact Robert B. for details on map instruction and hike sign-off.
this conflicts with our Gettysburg Weekend.
9 (Mon.) .
of Year Picnic, Court of Honor, and Jason P.'s Eagle Court of Honor,
p.m. at Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake Pavilion, 1
Clear Lake Rd., Putnam Valley. Parents should come. Wear
a official uniform.
Sign up here End of
Year Picnic, Court of Honor, and Jason P. head count by June 2.
Deadline to Sign up
here Eagle Scout Court of Honor, Chris C, headcount for refreshments
after the ceremony.
Bring salad or dessert and also a 2-liter soda bottle, plus a flashlight
to find your way back to your car.
Troop Meetings and Patrol Meetings resume in September.
Photos of Picnic and Courts of Honor, June
2003, June
2002, June
13 (Fri.) .
C.'s Eagle Scout Court of Honor. Arrive by 6:45 p.m.
for 7:30-9:00 p.m. ceremony at Grace Lutheran Church.
Scouts are requested to attend in full official uniforms.
Sign up here
Eagle Scout Court of Honor, Christopher C., headcount for refreshments,
by June 9.
Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Christopher C., June
23 (Mon.) .
for Camp Read Attendees, 7:00 p.m. at Grace
Lutheran Church. Wear an activity uniform.
All Scouts who will be attending either week 1 or 2 or both, or the Canoe
Trek, must attend along with a parent.
Campers: The following fees are due if you will do doing any of them:
Camp Photo...................$ 6.00
White Water Rafting.......$17.00
Horse Trail Ride.............$12.00
Canoe Trekers:
Bring $9.00 each to split the $99.00 transportation fee to and from Summit
Base camp. This was not included in your Trek Fee.
All fees are due on this date. Please help us by having them on hand.
30-7/11(M-F)Aquatics Two-week intensive program at Durland
Scout Center in Rye. Four merit badges, canoe, rowboat, etc..
9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., $300 per scout. This conflicts with our non-primary
week of Summer Camp. More
information here.
30-7/25(M-F)Sailing Four-week program at Durland
Scout Center in Rye, 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.. $600(basic) $660(advanced)
per scout. This conflicts with both weeks of our Summer Camp. More
information here.
July 2003
174 Summer Activities
Choose from:
Summer Camp, a golden opportunity for
scouts of all ages to work on many outdoor skills, to advance in rank,
and to earn merit badges, optimizing fun and opportunities at the Curtis
S. Read Scout Reservation.
What to Expect
Step-by-Step Instructions
to sign up, pay for, and plan for summer camp. (Sign up online by
April 14 if you can, and pay the Troop by May 1: $225 for one week, $440
for two, and $230 for the Trek.)
Trek, available for scouts 13 and older. See towards the
bottom the main page the Trek Schedule link.
6-12 (Su-Sa) .
6-12 (Su-Sa) .
Camp Week 1
13-19 (Su-Sa).
Camp Week 2. This is our primary week.
16-17 (W-Th).
Summer Ordeal in week 2 at the Curtis S. Read Scout Reservation, Brant
Lake, NY
30-31 (W-Th).
Summer Ordeal in week 4 at the Curtis S. Read Scout Reservation, Brant
Lake, NY
28-8/21(M-Th)Sailing Four-week program at Durland
Scout Center in Rye, 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.. $600(basic) $660(advanced)
per scout. More
information here.
August 2003
2-7 (Sa-Th) .
of the Arrow Indian Summer at the Ridgecrest Conf. Center near
Asheville, NC.
Other Summer Camps
Challenge, a High Adventure Program at camp for scouts 14 or older.
This activity requires a Class
3 Medical Form, completed within the past 12 months.
Parks: Events, camping, environment, fishing/boating, trailways, sports,
swimming, summer camps.
Recreation Programs: Aquatics programs, summer day camp, and youth
Space Camp in Florida
and Alabama offers one-week programs, ages 9-18. Examples:
Aviation Challenge Mach II qualifies scouts ages 12-14 for the Aviation
merit badge as well as partials in First
Aid, Fire
Safety, and Orienteering.
Space Academy qualifies scouts ages 12-14 for the Space
Exploration merit badge.
Check for programs for other ages and for possible discount for registering
before Dec. 31 for the summer programs.
September 2003 (First Troop Meeting Sept.
5-7 (F-Su) Junior Leader Training -
POSTPONED, new date to be decided
For Sept. 5-7 OA members may sign up for the Order
of the Arrow 2003 Conclave, before Sept. 5.
5-7 (F-Su) .
of the Arrow Conclave at Camp Sequassen - Winsted, CT.
15 (Mon.) .
and Troop Meeting 7:30 p.m. All parents are asked to attend.
Wear an official uniform. Meet at Grace Lutheran Church Fellowship
Hall, 3830
Gomer St., Yorktown Heights.
Unit Greenbar elections
Information on this year's Popcorn fundraiser
Calendar year proposals
Totem pole installation information
of the Arrow Weekend at Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake.
20 (Sat.) Boy Scout Leader
Basic Training #1. (More
information, Registration
Form) Free, but register in advance.
8:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. For Committee Members and parents who are interested
in Scouting in General - Essentials and Specifics.
8:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. For Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Members
and all other adults who are interested in Scout Troop Operation - Part
22 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Deadline to turn in your Personal Data Sheet
23 (Tues.) .
Totem Poles Meet at 6:15 p.m. to load on the flatbed
truck at 3091
Hickory St., Yorktown Heights
Bring old blankets.
Sign up here
Load Totem Poles on Flatbed Truck. We need 16 people (8 double teams)
If anyone is interested in drumming, a drum is available. A team
of four would be fun.
Photos: Load on Truck, on
23 , 2003.
23 (Tues.) .
Popcorn Kickoff.
24 (Wed.) Boy Scout Leader Basic Training #2.
information, Registration
Form) Free, but register in advance.
7:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. For Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Members
and all other adults who are interested in Scout Troop Operation - Part
27 (Sat.) .
Totem Poles near the entrance sign to Durland
Scout Reservation at Clear Lake, Putnam Valley. Map
and Directions.
Bring a bag lunch.
Wear work clothes and work boots. No sneakers.
Bring work gloves and rain gear.
Bring a full official uniform, including hat and merit badge sash, on a
8:00 a.m. Troop arrives.
3:00 p.m. Dedication ceremony.
If anyone who carved or was involved (parent, scout, or relative) is interested
in saying anything at the event, please do. One minute limit.
If anyone is interested in drumming, a drum is available. A team
of four would be fun.
Photos of Totem Poles, Plant at Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake,
Journal News Article
and Photos.
and dedication of the finished poles.
of the totem poles.
28 (Sun.) Hudson Valley Orienteering
(More information)
at Rockhouse Lake Welch in Harriman
State Park just south of Bear Mountain State Park, NY. Parks
map (see Rockhouse across the Hudson near Rt. 6). Detailed
Harriman map. Driving
directions to Lake Welch parking lot.
Navigate through the woods. Levels: Beginners to Advanced.
Instruction at 10:30 a.m. Starts at 11:00 a.m.
This non-Boy Scout event can meet First Class requirement #2 for completing
an orienteering course. Contact Robert B. for details on map instruction
and hike sign-off.
29 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
28-1 (Su-W).
for Food. Distribute food collection bags to nearby
homes. Wear an official uniform. More
October 2003
4 (Sat.) .
for Food. Drop off bags at collection points. Wear
an official uniform. More
4-5(Sa-Su) Boy Scout Leader Basic Training
#3. (More
information, Registration
Form) $8 fee paid by troop.
For Assistant Scoutmasters, and all other adults interested in the fun
of Scouting The Outdoor Program, Part 3
Overnight campout at Durland
Scout Reservation at Clear Lake, Putnam Valley. Map
and Directions.
8:45 a.m. Saturday sign-in
11:00 a.m. Sunday departure
Planning for part 3 will be done during parts 1 & 2.
6 (Mon.) .
& Troop Meetings 7:30 p.m. All parents are asked to attend.
Wear an official uniform. (Yom Kippur, schools closed). 6:45 p.m.
Greenbars Meeting.
stove: Bring 2 soda cans and a 4-inch diameter tuna-fish or cat-food
can (all empty, clean, and dry) to make the stove.
11 (Sat.) .
at Hudson Highlands Gateway Park, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Open to the whole troop, organized by the Cobra Patrol.
Sign up here Hudson
Highlands Gateway Park Hike.
to Hudson Highlands Gateway Park.
Park at Sprout Brook ballpark, Sprout
Brook Road Peekskill. Trail entrance is across the street.
Meet at Park entrance next to Sprout Brook Baseball fields at 9:00 a.m.
What to Bring:
Day Pack or full backpack
Water Bottle(s)
Bagged Lunch
Trail Mix
If you wish to work on requirements bring your Handbook
Rain gear (if necessary)
Personal First Aid Kit
Contact Kevin K. if you have questions.
Photos of Hudson Highlands Gateway Park Hike on
12 (Sun.) Hudson Valley
Orienteering (More
Location: Blue
Mtn Reservation (link includes map and directions) Peekskill NY. Parks
map (see Blue Mt. near the center). More
driving directions to Blue Mtn.
Navigate through the woods. Levels: Beginners to Advanced.
Instruction at 10:30 a.m. Starts at 11:00 a.m.
This non-Boy Scout event can meet First Class requirement #2 for completing
an orienteering course. Contact Robert B. for details on map instruction
and hike sign-off.
13 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform. (Columbus Day, schools
Sign up here
deadline for a Scoutmaster Conference and a Board of Review.
Have your Scoutmaster Conference before this troop meeting if possible.
For the Board of Review bring your completed Board of Review Application
form and Scout Handbook.
Wear full official uniform, which includes the merit badge sash to your
Conference and Review.
15 (Wed.) .
to sign up for Giant Ledge and/or Panther Mountain camping trip on Oct.
17 (Fri.) .
to sign up for Emergency Preparedness Camporee on Oct. 31-Nov. 2.
18 (Sat.) RockFest
2003, a fundraising rock concert benefiting the Somers Volunteer Fire
Department and EMS, Reis
Park, Route 139, Somers. Event starts at 2:00 p.m. Rain
or shine.
Earn service hours.
Volunteers needed 12 noon until 9:00 p.m. Help needed running tables,
setup and cleanup.
To sign up call Bobby (914) 245-0723.
17-19(F-Su) Thunderbird Games (More
20 (Mon.) .
of Honor 7:30 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 3830
Gomer St., Yorktown Heights.
Wear a full official uniform, which includes the Merit Badge sash.
Hawks, Dragons, and Scorpions arrive at 7:15 to set up chairs.
Cobras and Bobwhites will stay after to put back chairs.
Families are welcome to attend.
Photos of Courts of Honor: Oct.
2002, Dec.
2001, June
at Giant Ledge in the Catskills.
Meet 6:45-7:00 a.m. Saturday morning at Grace Lutheran Church, returning
at about noon Sunday.
Sign up here
Mini-Trek at Giant Ledge and/or Panther Mtn.
A signed permission slip
for scouts whose parents are not going must be given to the Scoutmaster
by October 20.
$10 per person.
Number of campers are limited. Driver/camper fathers welcome.
Be prepared. It can get cold at night at 3,720 feet!
What to bring:
The Boy Scout Handbook (pages 197 - 230) also lists camping gear.
Your homemade lightweight alcohol Photon stove.
Bag lunch for Saturday ( tuna pouches, sandwich, etc.). As a "leave
no trace" Troop, whatever you bring should produce minimal garbage, because
you will be carrying it out with you.
$5-$10 pocket money for beverage and snack. We plan to stop at a
store going each way.
The Troop has enough dehydrated meals to cover all Scouts and Leaders.
We shall collect money from those who will be eating these meals.
Follow low
impact, leave no trace techniques.
information on the area.
Pictures, directions, and description of a hike to Giant Ledge: Click on
Panther Mtn. picture and click on "jump here" for directions and the
purple foot at the top of the page for more on the hike.
Photos of Giant Ledge Mini-Treks, Oct.
2003, May
27 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Deadline to pay $100 Troop dues to Barbara C., check payable to "BSA Troop
Deadline to turn in popcorn orders and money.
29 (Wed.) Welcome new Scouts Theodore
M. and Sam N.
30 (Thur.) Tent pickup, if needed, at Troop
Shed at 7pm.
31-2 (F-Su) .
Preparedness Camporee (More
Location: Camp
Hero State Park, Montauk, Long Island (Trailblazer Fall Camporee).
Google map.
Camp Hero site map.
Participants depart individually. Be at Camp Hero by 7:00 a.m. Saturday.
Returning Sunday afternoon.
Sign up here
Emergency Preparedness Camping Weekend by Oct. 17.
Give a signed permission slip
for scouts whose parents are not going to the Scoutmaster by October 27.
We shall camp with the host troop - Troop 134 (Scoutmaster Jim Grimes).
Friday supper on your own.
$11 per scout and $20 per adult. This includes 2 breakfast's, 1 Lunch,
and 1 Dinner. If you want snacks, please supply them for yourself.
What to bring:
Be prepared. Bring warm layers, a change of clothes, and rain gear.
Your mess kits, and hot cups. The Troop does not supply paper goods.
Your homemade lightweight alcohol Photon stove.
Two 32 ounce Nalgene bottles filled with water.
Full official uniform on a hanger, including hat and merit badge sash,
for the retreat and the campfire.
Pack gear in your backpack.
Candy for inter-troop trick-or-treating.
Wear an activity uniform traveling to and from the event and during the
activities on Saturday.
Brush up on knot-tying skills and other skills in the Boy Scout Handbook
needed for the activities below.
18 activities: Plane Crash, Auto Scene, Smoke Drill, Fire Extinguisher,
Bucket Brigade, Fire Line, Stretcher Race, CPR, First Aid Challenge, Missing
person search, Orienteering, Rappelling/Climbing, Tug of War, Campfire
Program, Chili Competition, Gateway Construction Competition, Campsite
Inspection, and Overall Scout Spirit.
Some activities satisfy requirements for Emergency Preparedness, First
Aid, and Fire Safety.
Follow low
impact, leave no trace guidelines.
Registration will be paid by the Troop.
If you have questions call the Scoutmaster 526-4149.
Directions to Camp Hero in Montauk, Long Island.
Taconic State Parkway South
Sprain Brook Parkway South
At the 3rd exit after Tuckahoe Road get on Cross County Parkway East
At the 2nd exit get on Hutchinson River Parkway South towards Whitestone
Cross the Whitestone Bridge and STAY IN THE LEFT LANE
Take the LEFT EXIT onto Grand Central Parkway
At the 2nd exit get on Long Island Expressway, also known as I-495 East
Take Exit 70 "Manorville" and turn right onto CO 111 South (County Road
#111). This is approximately 1 hour 45 minutes from Yorktown
and is a convenient stopping place. There is a Mobile gas station
and McDonalds here. The McDonalds has cleaner restrooms than the
Mobil station.
Stay on CO 111 South to the end of this road, which will be after you pass
5 or 6 crossroads.
At the end of CO 111 South turn left onto Route 27 "Sunrise Highway".
This is the halfway point in travel time, unless you have been delayed
by traffic congestion. This point is about 1 hour 30 minutes from
Continue on Route 27, pass through the Hamptons, and continue towards Montauk.
In the village of Montauk go past the gazebo. Continue going straight
and follow the signs to the Montauk Point Lighthouse.
Follow signs for Camp Hero.
Turn right onto Camp Hero Road.
Follow signs to the Camporee at Camp Hero.
The estimated travel time is about 3 hours with no traffic delays.
Call Rocco E. if you have questions.
Photos of Emergency Preparedness Camporee on
November 2003 Knot of the month:
half hitches.
1 (Sa)
Boy Scout Manitoga District Hike-O-Ree.
troop will not attend.
3 (Mon.) .
& Troop Meetings 7:30 p.m. All parents are asked to attend.
Wear an official uniform. Greenbars at 6:45 p.m.
3 (Tues.) (No Dragon Patrol
9 (Sun.) .
Day Parade sponsored by the Marine Corps Reserve and
the American Legion.
Meet at 1:30 p.m. directly in front of the Lakeland High School main entrance,
East Main Street, Shrub Oak. Parade starts at 2:00 p.m.
Scouts will be marching in the parade. Attendance is expected.
Rain or shine.
Parade ends at Veterans Memorial near Hart Library. Ceremony after
parade. US, State & Pack/Troop Flag bearers (no banners) will
line up with the Marine Color Guard at the end of the parade. Within
each group, the US Flag should be on its own right. During the National
Anthem, all flags other than the US Flag must be dipped in respect.
The US Flag is to remain held high.
Wear full official uniform, which includes merit badge sash.
Two of our troop's Eagle Scouts, Dan W. and Chris L., currently in service,
will be honored on hearts placed along the route.
In past years hot dogs and sodas have been available after the ceremony
to those who marched in the parade.
"Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor all those
who served honorably in the military - in wartime or peacetime. In
fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living veterans
for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national
security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who
served or are serving - not only those who died - have sacrificed and done
their duty." - Department
of Veterans Affairs.
Photos of Veterans Day Parade, Nov.
2003, Nov.
10 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Prepare before the meeting for Citizenship in the Community:
Where on a local map are important government buildings.
Know something about the town organization and structure.
15 (Sat.) Totem Pole Wings
Installed at Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake, North
Shore Rd., Putnam Valley.
Photos of Totem Pole Wings Installed on
15 (Sat.) Merit
Badge Seminar sponsored by Troop 165
required, schedule, fees, click Requirement Details)
Location: First Presbyterian
Church of Yorktown at 2880
Crompond Rd., Yorktown Heights.
Bring a signed Blue Card and merit badge booklet for each merit badge you
Merit badges offered (subject to change), some require advance preparation.
Choose just one:
Personal Management
Citizenship in the Nation (Troop will do in Dec.)
Citizenship in the World
Emergency Preparedness (requires that you already have First Aid)
16 (Sun.) Hudson Valley
Orienteering (More
Location: Ward
Pound Ridge Reservation (link includes map and directions) Cross River,
NY. Parks
map (see Ward Pound Ridge to the East). More
driving directions to Ward Pound Ridge Res.
Navigate through the woods. Levels: Beginners to Advanced.
Instruction at 10:30 a.m. Starts at 11:00 a.m.
This non-Boy Scout event can meet First Class requirement #2 for completing
an orienteering course. Contact Robert B. for details on map instruction
and hike sign-off.
17 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
The Scorpions for Physical Fitness will stage a relay race.
Deadline to sign up here
and pay the $100 per person nonrefundable deposit for Troop Ski Trip to
Killington on Jan. 23-25.
Pickup popcorn at the troop meeting.
Board of Review.
If you also need a Scoutmaster Conference be at the church by 6:45 p.m.
Be sure that you
are in full official uniforms, including a merit badge sash,
have all of your rank requirement paperwork including Board
of Review Applications filled out, and
have your book,
because without these you will be granted neither a conference nor a Board
of Review.
18 (Tues.) Dragon Patrol Meeting
p.m. at the Cabin, 3091
Hickory St., Yorktown Heights.
22 (Sat.) Den
Chief Training (More
information, Registration
Form - Must Pre-Register)
Location: Council Service Center (Directions),
Saw Mill River Rd. (9A), Hawthorne, NY, 773-1135.
Check pre-registration at 8:15 a.m., course starts at 8:30 a.m.
Fees: $8 training fee plus $5 lunch fee for scouts. There is no charge
for adult leaders unless lunch is requested.
This is a one day training program for Boy Scouts who are First Class or
above, have Scoutmaster's approval, and who want to serve as a den chief.
"A den
chief is a Boy Scout who assists a Cub Scout den leader or Webelos
Scout den leader at den meetings, pack meetings, and other events. He's
a ready source of games, songs, skits, and skills, and he encourages the
boys in their advancement."
This training works best when the Boy Scout is accompanied by the Den Leader
(Cub/Webelos) and the Cubmaster of the Pack in which he is going to be
den chief.
Scout must be recommended by Scoutmaster.
24 (Mon.) .
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wear an activity uniform.
Deadline to Sign up here.
Return Pews to Grace on Thanksgiving weekend.
Deadline to turn in a signed permission
slip for scouts whose parents are not going to Return the Pews to Grace.
26 (Wed.) Chris T. L., Marine Graduation - Congratulations
Photos of Chris T. L., Marine Graduation on
30 (Sun.) .
the Pews to Grace Lutheran Church 12:15-3:00 p.m.
Note that this is Thanksgiving weekend.
Sign up here.
Return Pews to Grace. Sign up by Nov. 24.
Give a signed permission slip
for scouts whose parents are not going to the Scoutmaster by Nov. 24.
Calling all Scouts and Dads to -
Load the Grace Lutheran pews from a barn on Wood Street (three miles from
Grace) onto a flatbed truck
Unload the pews from the flatbed truck into Fellowship Hall at Grace Lutheran.
The truck will make approximately 5 trips carrying perhaps eight pews at
a time for a total of forty pews.
Scouts may earn service hours.
Photos of returning the pews to Grace Lutheran Church on Nov.
30 (Sun.) Hudson Valley
Orienteering (More
Location: Fahnestock
State Park (link includes map and directions) Pelton Pond Rd., Cold
Spring, NY in Putnam County. Parks
map (see Pelton Pond to the North). Fahnestock
map. More
driving directions to Fahnestock.
Navigate through the woods. Levels: Beginners to Advanced.
Instruction at 10:30 a.m. Starts at 11:00 a.m.
This non-Boy Scout event can meet First Class requirement #2 for completing
an orienteering course. Contact Robert B. for details on map instruction
and hike sign-off.
December 2003
1 (Mon.) (Troop meeting canceled, because the church
pews will fill our meeting room)
2 (Tues.) Dragon Patrol Meeting 4:30-6:00
p.m. at the Cabin, 3091
Hickory St., Yorktown Heights.
2 (Tues.) Citizenship
in the Community Participants:
attend Yorktown Town Board
Budget Meeting.
7:15 p.m. at the Yorktown Town Hall's Town Meeting Room, 363
Underhill Ave.
Wear an official uniform.
8 (Mon.) .
& Troop Meetings 7:30 p.m. All parents are asked to attend.
Wear an official uniform. Greenbars meeting at 6:45 p.m.
Board of Review.
If you also need a Scoutmaster Conference be at the church by 6:45 p.m.
Be sure that you ...
are in full official uniforms, including a merit badge sash,
have all of your rank requirement paperwork including Board
of Review Application filled out, and
have your Boy Scout Handbook,
... because without these you will be granted neither a Scoutmaster Conference
nor a Board of Review.
Deadline to turn in a signed permission
slip for scouts whose parents are not going to the Troop Swim Night
on Dec. 10.
10 (Wed.) .
Swim Night 7:00-8:45 p.m. at the Mildred E. Strang
Middle School Pool.
Location: Rt. 202 next to the Yorktown High School, 2701 Crompond Rd.,
Yorktown Heights. See "MES Middle School" on this
The pool is in the lower south-west corner of the building. The easiest
way to the pool is to walk to the side of the building next to the large
sports field. Follow our troop signs past the red fire hydrant and
enter the door marked by our troop sign.
Sign up here.
Troop Swim Night. Sign up to swim, both scouts and adults, by Dec.
Only Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and BSA-registered adults may swim.
No Fee: Free
Give a signed permission slip
for scouts whose parents are not going to the Scoutmaster by Dec. 8.
All Scouts needing to complete their swimming rank requirements should
sign up and attend. Scouts may complete all Second Class (7a, 7b,
7c) and all First Class (9a, 9b, 9c) swimming rank requirements.
Requirement 9b is the BSA
swimmer test.
Although the former
9c (survival skills) is no longer a First Class rank requirement, we
offer it at Swim Night, because survival is important. Bring --
long pants (100% cotton holds air best, blue jeans OK),
long-sleeved shirt (cotton and no buttons down the front),
old laced sneakers or laced shoes.
Practice water lifesaving techniques.
We shall also have open swim and water games.
Webelos from Pack 134 will join us, working on Aquanaut.
Bring a swimsuit, a towel, water shoes or sandals, and your Boy Scout Handbook
for sign-off.
You may want a plastic bag to bring home wet clothes.
Mens' and womens' locker rooms and bathrooms are available.
No food or drinks are allowed in the pool area.
Lifeguard will be Kevin K., who is donating his services. Thanks.
For further information contact SPL Mike M.
Photos of swim nights: Dec.
2003, Apr.
2003, Oct.
2002, Oct.
15 (Mon.) .
Party and Court of Honor at 6:30 p.m. at Grace Lutheran
Sign up here Holiday
Party headcount: children, scouts, and adults. Sign up by Dec. 1.
Deadline to turn in a signed permission
slip for scouts whose parents are not going to Garrison Jan. 3-4.
Toys for Tots: We shall be collecting and donating to the
Marine Corps' Toys for Tots campaign this year. Please bring a new
unwrapped toy (if interested). These toys will be collected by our
own Troop Marine, PFC Chris L. Jr., then distributed to needy children
in our community. The gift of giving goes a long way this time of
year for those who are less fortunate than we are.
Expect a special guest speaker.
Hawk Patrols arrive at 5:45 p.m. to set up. Some adults also
needed to help set up.
Dragon Patrols will be on cleanup duty after we are done.
Wear a full official uniform, which includes the Merit Badge sash.
Bring a 2-liter soda bottle and a dessert.
Catered dinner from Little Sorrento Italian Restaurant.
The Troop pays for Scouts, children 5 and under are free, and others are
$10 per person, by Dec. 1.
Photos of Holiday Party: Dec.
2003, Dec.
2002, Dec.
Photos of Courts of Honor: Dec.
2003, Oct.
2002, Dec.
2001, June
16 (Tues.) Dragon Patrol Meeting 4:30-6:00
p.m. at the Cabin, 3091
Hickory St., Yorktown Heights.
21 (Sun.) .
Hike weather permitting
No signup necessary. Just be there.
Lead by Pat P. and Rick K.
Meet 8:30 a.m. at D'Agostino's close to Jefferson Valley Mall, Club Fit,
and Toys-R-Us. Back by about 2:00 p.m.
Then drive to location:
Distance 3-4 miles. A good hike for new and older scouts.
Bring water, a snack or light lunch.
Dress for winter weather: Layer. Wear boots, mittens or gloves,
and a warm hat. Bring an extra pair of dry socks. See Boy Scout
Handbook Cold Weather Clothing Checklist for Hiking, p. 204.
There may be a short bushwhacking section.
Possible rank requirements to meet:
Tenderfoot 5: Explain the rules of safe hiking ....
Second Class 1a: Compass and map ....
Second Class 2a: Participate in troop activity ....
First Class 3: Participate in troop activity ....
Photos of Orienteering Hike: Dec.
22 (Mon.) (No Troop Meeting, schools closed)
29 (Mon.) (No Troop Meeting, schools closed)
Boy Scout Troop 174, Yorktown, NY.