Troop 174
Photos 2005
Click on hotlinks below to see full-sized photos.
Paul M.'s Eagle Proposal to the Troop Committee on Jan.
3, 2005.
Garrison Overnighter on Jan.
8-9, 2005. Videos of the Lashing Tower Building
(1.0 MB) and Climbing
(0.6 MB).
Ice Climbing on Jan.
21-23, 2005, and Council
Courts of Honor on Jan.
24 & 31, 2005.
Boy Scout Klondike on Feb.
5, 2005 and Council
Photos. Videos of First Aid Station - Some tips in Forgot That
This Is Like A Human and Raise Leg For Shock. Down
Hill (0.7 MB), No
One Seems To Care (1.1 MB), Snow
Idea (0.5 MB), Forgot
That This Is Like A Human (1.1 MB), Raise
Leg For Shock (1.0 MB), Drag
Sled (0.8 MB), Race
Final (0.8 MB).
Scout Sunday on Feb.
6, 2005. Videos of ServingLine
(1.2 MB), Tables
(1.0 MB),
Up (0.6 MB),
Up Flag (0.7 MB).
Africa Clothing Drive on Feb.
7-14, 2005.
Welcome new scouts on Feb.
14, 2005.
Webelos Klondike on Feb.
19, 2005. Videos of Warm
Hands (1.3 MB), Back
Around (1.3 MB), Square
Lashing (1.2 MB), Clove
Hitch (1.2 MB), Take
This Side (1.4 MB), Tripod
(1.0 MB),
(1.0 MB).
Troop Ski Weekend on Feb.
25-27, 2005.
CPR Training on Mar.
5, 2005.
Jarryed S.'s Eagle Proposal to the Troop Committee on Mar.
7, 2005.
Ben C.'s "Plan B" Eagle Proposal to the Troop Committee on Mar.
7, 2005.
First Aid Training on Mar.
12, 2005.
Swim Night on Mar.
16, 2005.
Court of Honor on Mar.
21, 2005.
Matt C.'s Eagle Proposal to the Troop Committee on Apr.
4, 2005.
Ben C.'s Eagle Project on Apr.
9, 2005.
Matt C.'s Eagle Project on Apr.
12-13, 2005.
District Spring Event Campout on Apr.
16, 2005.
Troop Trip to Philadelphia and Valley Forge on Apr.
29 - May 1, 2005.
Hudson Valley Orienteering on May
7, 2005.
Order of the Arrow AmeriCares Community Service Project on May
7, 2005.
Troop Softball Game, Scouts vs. adults on May
23, 2005.
Memorial Day Parade on May
30, 2005. Videos of Left
Side (0.9 MB), Throw
the Candy (0.5 MB), Right
Side (0.8 MB). 2004
Parade (2.5 MB).
Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Dan M.on June
5, 2005. His Scouting
Picnic and Court of Honor on June
13, 2005.
Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Thomas L. on June
24, 2005. His Scouting
Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Brian C. on June
26, 2005.
Summer Camp on July
3-16, 2005.
"First Year Scouts" (and to Tenderfoot or to Second Class) weekend on Aug.
21-22, 2005.
30th Anniversary Celebration, Eagle Scout Reunion, Court of Honor on Sept.
9, 2005.
Campout at Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake on Sept.
10-11, 2005.
Steph G.'s Eagle Proposal to the Troop Committee on Sept.
12, 2005.
Steph G.'s Eagle Project on Sept.
24, 2005.
Order of the Arrow Weekend and Fall Ordeal on Sept.
24, 2005.
Steph G.'s Eagle Project on Sept.
28, 2005.
Steph G.'s Eagle Project on Oct.
1, 2005.
Paul M.'s Eagle Project on Oct.
2, 2005.
Ben C.'s Eagle Court of Honor on Oct.
9, 2005.
Hudson Valley Orienteering Meet Service on Oct.
10, 2005.
Thunderbird Games on Oct.
15, 2005.
Paul M.'s Eagle Project on Oct.
23, 2005.
Paul M.'s Eagle Project on Oct.
30, 2005.
Manitoga District Fall Event: Orient-O-Ree on Nov.
4-6, 2005.
Kevin K.'s Eagle Proposal to the Troop Committee on Nov.
7, 2005. Videos of Wood
Chips (1.2 MB),
(0.6 MB),
Boardwalk (0.7 MB).
Paul M.'s Eagle Project on Nov.
12, 2005. Videos of Unloading
Truck (1.0 MB),
It Doesn't Fit (0.7 MB),
Rocks (0.7 MB),
Flat Rock (1.6 MB),
The Landing (0.7 MB).
Veterans Day Parade on Nov.
13, 2005. Videos of Starting
Out (1.1 MB),
for the Hat (0.4 MB),
(0.5 MB).
Gym Night on Nov.
14, 2005. Videos of Start
Game (0.4 MB),
Then Throw (0.3 MB),
(0.4 MB).
Swim Night on Nov.
16, 2005. How
To Throw Ring (0.4 MB),
Rope (0.4 MB),
Towards You (1.4 MB),
(0.8 MB), Go
Past Him (0.9 MB).
Kevin K.'s Eagle Project on Nov.
30, 2005.
Kevin K.'s Eagle Project on Dec.
3, 2005. Videos of Between
Two Sticks (0.7 MB),
Two Three (1.2 MB),
You (1.9 MB),
Cut (0.9 MB).
Troop Meeting on Dec.
12, 2005.
Scorpion Patrol's Food, Toy, Clothing Drive on Dec.
16, 2005. Videos of We're
Supposed To Be Young (0.3 MB),
Pile Them (0.6 MB).
Court of Honor and Holiday Dessert Party on Dec.
19, 2005.

Boy Scout Troop 174, Yorktown, NY.