Troop 174

Greenhorn Weekend
Clear Lake
June 18-19, 2004


The Greenhorn Weekend was a one night campout at site 42 on the east bank of Clear Lake.  We backpacked into camp.  Another troop from Darien Connecticut camped  next to us.  Mr. Long sometimes hollered in code across the lake at his brother and his troop.

Michael P., our troop bugler, played taps Friday night.  It was heard by the troops around the lake.  The next day they commented how nice it sounded.  Friday night three raccoons visited after midnight and ate the food left out.  Roderick K. elbowed a raccoon because he thought it was another scout elbowing him.

Older boys worked on fishing.  Kevin K. was the lifeguard.  Our Eagle Scout Chris L., a private first-class in the military, visited Saturday.

The first picture is Mr. Steve C.'s custom camouflage troop hat.  The second picture is Mr. Jamie C. drinking out of the bug juice container.

Thomas L.
Troop Historian

Photos by Thomas L. and James L.

Boy Scout Troop 174, Yorktown, NY.