Troop 174

Dan M.'s Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project
May 15 & 30, June 7 & 12, 2004


  • June 6, 2004 of Wheelbarrow (4 MB).
  • June 12, 2004 of Mulch (2 MB).
  • May 15


    Dan's project was to repair the trails at the SPCA of Westchester (the Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals) and to fix their fences.  On May 15 it was scheduled from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., but it finished early at about 3:00 p.m.

    We pruned the brushes, dug a drainage swale (ditch), and laid wood on the sides of the trail to define it.  We also fixed a PVC drainage pipe (shown above) by taking it out of the ground, clearing it out, and putting it and its ends' cover stones back.  Mr. Dan M. used a chainsaw to cut some dead wood to put along the trail.

    Dan M. came up with this project because the M.'s got their dog "Blackie" at the SPCA.

    May 30


    On May 30 we cleaned up a section of the trail, made a chain railing, cleared a fence line, and pounded in fence posts.  In cleaning up a section of the trail Joe, Dan, Roderick, and I moved two large tree trunks out of the way and moved debris to the side of the trail.  Joe, Dan, and I made the chain railing by drilling a hole through the metal posts and using a hack saw to make a slot for the chain to go in.  The posts were then pounded at the top to keep the chain from being taken out.  We had lunch after that.  After that we cleared the fence line and pounded in the fence posts.


    June 7


    June 12


    Thomas L.
    Troop Historian

    Photos by Thomas L., Margaret L., and James L.

    Boy Scout Troop 174, Yorktown, NY.