Troop 174
Scouting Photography
Ordinary to Extaordinary
The boring made exciting.
Excitment flows from using other photographic themes to highlight
ordinary objects. Below:
Aluminum pans: Converging Parallels, Pattern: Repetition.
Tubs of rollers: Balance, Diagonal, Pattern: Repetition, Radial Balance.
Paint pan and can: Balance, Diagonal, Splash of Color.
Broom and sawdust: Balance, Diagnonal, Splash of Color.
Turtle shell: Balance, Diagonal, Framing, Outside Looking In, Windows.
See also how expert photgraphers portray Ordinary
to Exraordinary, Ordinary
to Exraordinary 2.
Boy Scout Troop 174, Yorktown, NY. Scouting
Photography Pages at