Troop 174 Uniform Guidelines

(Pending Approval)


The uniform is an outward sign of the person wearing it. Just like we examine the labels of products before buying, to see what’s inside, the uniform informs others about the person wearing it and the organization it represents.  It gives the Scout visibility and creates a level of identity within our troop and our surrounding communities.  The uniform allows the Scout to show individual achievement, yet promotes equality within our troop.  Uniform inspections will be held quarterly.  Non-compliance may impede advancement.


APPEARANCE:  Uniforms (official and activity) will be kept clean and neat and will show respect to oneself, fellow scouts, Troop 174 and Boy Scouts of America at all times.


HEADGEAR:  Only BSA head apparel is permitted to be worn with the CLASS A uniform. 


PATCHES/BADGES: Only authorized patches/badges may be placed on the Scout Uniform. These patches/badges will be worn in the proper places as designated in the Scout Handbook. You can double check the BSA web sites or if you have doubts ask a leader.


SCOUT HANDBOOK: The Scout Handbook along with a notebook and writing instrument is considered part of the uniform. The Scout must have these at all times.  A Scout can not have a Scoutmaster Conference or Board of Review without his Handbook.


SUMMER CAMP WEAR:   Scouts are expected to bring and wear Scout Shirt, Neckerchief with Slide, and Troop 174 Cap at dinner and special ceremonies.  Khaki shorts are strongly encouraged; sports shorts are discouraged.


The Official Uniform (formerly known as Class A)


·         Must be worn to all the first troop meeting of the month*, Scoutmaster Conference, Board of Review, Court of Honor, some district council events and other official events when specified. 

·         Tan Uniform Shirt with all patches and indicia correctly applied.  Classic shirt will have red epaulets and troop indicia; Centennial shirt will have green epaulets and troop indicia.  All shirts are to be tucked in to the pants.

·         Troop Neckerchief and slide.  Adults Bolo Tie.

·         Official BSA Khaki slacks or shorts; or Khaki “dockers” or “chinos.”  Camo is not khaki.

·         Official BSA web belt and buckle.  Adult Alternate: BSA leather belt and buckle.

·         Merit Badge Sash.  (Note the OA Sash is only to be worn at OA meetings).

·         Hiking shoes or sneakers.

·         Headgear:  Troop 174 cap preferred; or no cap at all.  No Cap except BSA approved cap may be worn with the official uniform shirt.

·         Outerwear:  Troop 174 outerwear preferred when meetings are outdoors.  Outerwear is not to be worn indoors.

·         Prohibited:  Sweat pants, Nylon sports pants/shorts, jeans/denim*, sandals, flip-flops, non-Troop 174 caps.

·         *Jeans/denim may be substituted for Khakis for outdoor meetings and the first meeting of the month only.  


The Activity Uniform (formerly known as Class B)


·         These are worn when the Official Uniform would not be appropriate and to all events when the Activity Uniform is pre-approved.  This includes regular meetings (except the first meeting of the month), Lodge meetings, Patrol Leader Council meetings, patrol meetings, hikes, campouts, etc.

·         The Troop 174 T-shirt or Golf Shirt is preferred.  Other BSA shirts (Camp Read, Centennial Celebration, etc.) are acceptable.  Any other T-shirt will not be considered uniform.

·         Long pants or shorts including dockers, khakis or jeans/denim. 

·         Hiking shoes or sneakers (appropriate for activity).

·         Headgear:  Troop 174 cap or no cap when indoors.  Outdoors:  Troop 174 cap preferred or any cap may be worn.

·         Outerwear:  Troop 174 outerwear preferred when meetings are outdoors.  Outerwear is not to be worn indoors.

·         Prohibited:  Sweat pants, Nylon sports pants/shorts, sandals, flip-flops.


The Summer Camp Uniform


·         Scouts are expected to bring the Scout Shirt, Neckerchief with Slide, and Troop 174 Cap.  These will be worn at dinner and ceremonies.   

·         Khaki shorts are strongly encouraged; sports shorts are discouraged.



A quick reference:




COH, BOR, SMC other formal Events

First Monthly Meeting

Regular Meetings, Patrol Meetings, etc.

Activities: hiking, camping, service.

Summer Camp


Official Shirt Only

Official Shirt Only

Activity Shirt

Activity Shirt

Official Shirt


Khaki’s Required, BSA belt

Khaki’s preferred, Denim acceptable, BSA belt










T174 Caps










Normally Required


Merit Badge Sash







Not permitted





Activity Shirt

Not Permitted

Not Permitted

