Troop 174

Karl R.'s Eagle Scout Project
Green Trail Loopback at Hunterbrook Linear Park
Oct. 16, Nov. 11, 18, 25, 2006


Oct. 16, 2006, Presentation



From Beekman Court go down the hill staying close to the Pedestrian Trail signs; do not cut the corner as the trail turns right.  Go over a long bridge to the Kiosk.  300 feet past the Kiosk cross the stream, and then in 100 feet turn left at the stone cairn under the two White Trail blazes.  It will be a long walk south on the established trail, before it becomes the new trail turning north.

Nov. 11, 2006


Nov. 18, 2006


Nov. 25, 2006


Project Description

My eagle project will be the construction of a trail at Hunter Brook Linear Park. The park is located off of Hunter Brook Road on Beekman Court in Yorktown. I would be constructing the continuation of a loop for a trail through the park. The trail set out now ends at one point in which hikers would have to turn back around and walk the terrain they had just passed over. My plan would be to make a loop so that hikers could see different landscape and continue on the loop. In order to build this continuation I would need to move all invasive plants, such as poison ivy, barberry, Virginia creeper, grape vine, and bitter sweet by taking out those plants out on the ground as well as over head. I will be doing trail definition, as well as dealing with a creek. I will also be putting trail markers up.

Groups to Benefit from this Project

The residents of Yorktown and Upper Westchester County would be able to utilize this trail for a nice leisurely walk through nature while being close to home.

Project Details

My project will be the construction of a continuation of the loop on the Hunter Brook Linear Park land. In order to achieve this I would need to make a path that would be roughly four (4) feet wide. To do this I would need to move any brush as well as any fallen logs, as well as moving any persistent plants. I will also have to deal with a rock wall and a small stream in which the trail would continue through. I would also be clearing about a six (6) foot clearance overhead so there would be lees ducking under low vines. I will also be marking the trail. In order to deal with the rock wall and stream I would consult Mr. Schroeder from Yorktown Parks and Recreation Department to come up with the best way to accomplish this task that will be pleasing and long-term.

The town of Yorktown will be supplying all the materials for the project.

My project’s volunteers will be scouts, their parents, and friends.

In my best estimation this project should take around 150 man-hours to complete this project. I would say about 140 hours for trail definition and then another couple of hours to display trial markers.

-- Karl R.

Photos by James L.

Boy Scout Troop 174, Yorktown, NY.