Pre-Registration Form

Webelos Klondike 2003
Manitoga District of Westchester-Putnam Council, BSA
Saturday, February 22, 2003
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
FDR State Park - Yorktown Heights, New York
$6 per person

Feb. 12, 2003 is the deadline for pre-registration with payment received at Council.
Use this Pre-Registration Form.  Late registration will NOT be accepted.
Walk-ins or Webelos who are not pre-registered will NOT be allowed to participate.
Each Pack MUST submit a Local Tour Permit to Council by February 8, 2003.
Each Pack MUST have one BSA Youth Protection trained adult present.

Each sled must have a minimum of two adults, one of whom must be a registered leader.  There are no refunds.  Each sled must also provide one large can (26 ounces) of hot cocoa mix at check-in on February 22.

Pack number: ________  town Pack is located in: ___________________________
Contact person:
    name: ___________________________________________________________
    address: __________________________________________________________
    email address: _____________________________________________________
    daytime telephone number with area code:  (          )  ______________________
    evening telephone number with area code:   (          )  ______________________
Number of sleds:        _________
Number of Webelos:  _________  X $6 =  $ ___________
Number of adults:      _________  X $6 =  $ ___________
Total enclosed:                                         $ ___________
Make checks payable to “Westchester-Putnam Council, BSA“.
      “Webelos Klondike #100” MUST be written on all checks.
      Your check number:  ___________
Mail this completed form with full payment before February 12, 2003 to:
                        Manitoga District Webelos Klondike 2003
                        Westchester-Putnam Council, BSA
                        41 Saw Mill River Road
                        Hawthorne, NY   10532
For information call Jason L., Senior Patrol Leader of Boy Scout Troop 174, at (914) 526-4149.