Troop 174

Scouting Photography
Many Themes per Photo

Combining several Themes in one shot sometimes improves the quality, usually.

However, no good idea cannot be ruined by taking it to its logical extreme, so too many themes in one photo leads to Cliche Hell, Cliche Hell 2007.


  1. Balance
  2. Faces to the Camera
  3. Movement Into the Frame
  4. Rule of Thirds
  5. Calm
  6. Interaction
  7. Night - Low Key
  8. Portraits


  1. Rule of Thirds
  2. Solve the Corners
  3. Calm
  4. Hogarth's Curve of Beauty (plus one reflected)
  5. Landscapes Natural
  6. Reflections


  1. Movement Into the Frame
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. High Key
  4. Splash of Color


  1. Movement Into the Frame
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Emotion: Happiness
  4. Moving Water


  1. Faces to the Camera
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Birds of a Feather
  4. Calm
  5. Diagonal
  6. Hats
  7. Night - Low Key


  1. Action: Sports
  2. Diagonal
  3. Splash of Color


  1. Balance
  2. Movement Into the Frame
  3. Rule of Thirds
  4. Portraits


  1. Balance
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Diagonal
  4. Framing
  5. Hair


  1. Balance
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Action: Non-Athletic
  4. Patriotism


  1. Rule of Thirds
  2. Diagonal
  3. Flames
  4. Night - Low Key
  5. Patriotism


  1. Balance
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Diagonal
  4. Hair
  5. Interaction


  1. Diagonal
  2. Emotion: Happiness
  3. High Key
  4. Interaction


  1. Movement Into the Frame
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. High Key
  4. Negative Space


  1. Balance
  2. Movement Into the Frame
  3. Rule of Thirds
  4. Calm
  5. Diagonal


  1. Rule of Thirds
  2. Birds of a Feather
  3. Faces to the Camera
  4. Flames
  5. Landscape
  6. Night - Low Key
  7. Trinity


  1. Balance
  2. Emotion: Happiness
  3. Pattern: Same Shape (Cone pointed up)
  4. Pattern: Same Colors (Red, White, Blue)


  1. Faces to the Camera
  2. Movement Into the Frame
  3. Action: Athletic Frozen
  4. Birds of a Feather
  5. Boats
  6. Lines


  1. Faces to the Camera
  2. Movement Into the Frame
  3. Rule of Thirds
  4. Birds of a Feather
  5. Calm
  6. Night - Low Key


  1. Movement Into the Frame
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Calm
  4. Diagnoal
  5. Flames
  6. Night - Low Key


  1. Balance
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. High Key
  4. Silhouette


  1. Movement Into the Frame
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Diagonal
  4. High Key
  5. Humor
  6. Negative Space
  7. Partial Subject


  1. Balance
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Diagonal
  4. Swooping Curve
  5. Moving Water


  1. Balance
  2. Movement Into the Frame
  3. Rule of Thirds
  4. Patriotism
  5. Portraits


  1. Balance
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Hogarth's Curve of Beauty (brush hand)
  4. Painted Face (reflected red light)
  5. Partial Subject
  6. Swooping Curve
  7. Unusual (pose)
  8. Service


  1. Faces to the Camera
  2. Action Non-Athletic
  3. Emotion: Happiness
  4. Friends
  5. Hats
  6. Trinity
  7. Unusual
    1. .
    1. Break the Rules: Central Subject
    2. Diagonal
    3. High Key
    4. Parial Subject
    5. Pattern: Symmetry
    6. Splash of Color
    7. Straight Up / Down
    8. Unusual
    1. Balance
    2. Faces to Camera
    3. Rule of Thirds
    4. Action: Non-Athletic
    5. Birds of a Feather
    6. Diagonal
    7. Framing
    8. Tell a Story
    9. Leadership


      1. Balance
      2. Move Into Frame
      3. Rule of Thirds
      4. Calm
      5. Diagonal
      6. Emotion: Love
      7. Portraits
      8. Tell a Story
      9. Trinity
      10. Leadership
      11. Service


        1. Balance
        2. Diagonal
        3. High Key
        4. Lines
        5. Splash of Color
        6. Straight Up / Down
        7. Trinity

Boy Scout Troop 174, Yorktown, NY.  Scouting Photography Pages at